Providing You with Quality Care at Home.
At Family First we work for you!
We are not an Agency, but rather a Nurse Registry. We refer a wonderful caregiver to you who has had a level 2 Background screening, proper credentialing including CPR and 12 hours of continuing education yearly. A physical within 6 months of working for you is completed stating that “the caregiver is free of communicable disease”. A reference is given to you for all referred caregivers.
As a Registry, our goal is to make sure you are well taken care of with wonderful, caring caregivers. We do not assume responsibility for any family decisions about your health or daily living. Our mission is to refer you the best caregivers in the field!
Skilled Nursing
At Family First, we pride ourselves on our nurses, who are highly qualified in patient care. Our nurses are available anytime to make visits to our client’s home for an additional cost.
Our nurses are responsible for assessing our clients’ needs and designing a custom-tailored plan of care. Our nurse will maintain constant communication with our clients’ physicians in order to maintain the existing medical regimen and assure optimal continuity of care. There will be weekly contact between our nurses and each client’s caregiver. Our nurses are responsible to ensure ongoing coordinated care with realistic, attainable goals.
Respite Care
Respite care is an essential part of the overall support that families may need. We are faced with many obstacles when taking care of our daily responsibilities, while fully committed to our parents and grandparents. Respite means giving Family First the responsibility to care for your loved one for a number of hours during the day while you fulfill your personal responsibility and re-energize. Respite referrals can take place regularly or as needed.
GS Is A Fabulous Little Lady, The Top Lady That You Can Have”.
"She Attended To All Of Mrs. R's Needs Including Massaging Her Legs At Night. She Got Well And No Longer Needed A Caretaker."
"We Couldn’t Have Asked For A Better Caregiver. Her Knowledge Of Parkinson’s And The Disease Process Is Remarkable. She Is So Caring And Dedicated. We Are So Thankful To Family First For Finding Her!"
"MW Took Care Of Everything Around The Home , Meal Preparation And Driving To Doctors Appointments. As Per Neighbor Of Mrs O, Who Visited Her Daily, “MW Is An Absolute Delight. I Can’t Say Enough Good Things About Her. She Is Reliable, Confident And Just Wonderful”.
"ST Took Care Of All Of Mr O’s Needs Including Transportation, Doctors Appointments, Medication Assist And Preparing Meals."
"SR’s Job Included Personal Care, (Bathing And Dressing), Meal Preparation And Medication Supervision. She Did A Great Job And Went From Working During The Day And Was Then Asked To Live In. The Daughter Would “Absolutely Recommend Her.”